(will be updated as new information comes in. Please fill out this form if you notice your session is missing)
(will be updated as new information comes in. Please fill out this form if you notice your session is missing)
(note: this post will be updated through Summer quarter 2022)
The Center for Engaged Scholarship is an organization, created by and for social scientists, who want the United States to be a more democratic, more egalitarian, and more environmentally sustainable society. Applicants for this scholarship must be enrolled in either a social science or history Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Erin McCauley and PhD Candidate Erin Johnson were awarded an intramural grant from the School of Nursing for their project, “Consequences of a History of Incarceration for Reproductive Health Services (CHOIR-HS)”. This study will take steps to understand how incarceration history stigma shapes sexual and reproductive health service delivery through qualitative interviews and a survey-based experiment, demonstrating how stigma engenders and reinforces devastating health disparities among the formerly incarcerated and, given the disproportionate risk of incarceratio