
Jeske Dissertation Defense

Organs and Humans on Chips: Translation, Biomedical Models, and the Political Economy of Innovation 

Melanie Jeske

Conviction: The Making and Unmaking of The Violent Brain

Dr. Oliver Rollins

Thursday March 10 at Noon

followed by Q&A and Conversation at 1pm

Blake Defense: Serious Girls and Uncontrolled Lives

Serious Girls and Uncontrolled Lives: Poverty, Morality, and Health in the Construction of Adolescent Pregnancy in Sierra Leone

Lane Dissertation Defense - "We Are Here," Enduring Survivorship in the Aftermath: Community Trauma, Survivor Discourse and Advocacy Post the 2014-16 West Africa Ebola Outbreak

"We Are Here," Enduring Survivorship in the Aftermath: Community Trauma, Survivor Discourse and Advocacy Post the 2014-16 West Africa Ebola Outbreak

