
June 04, 2015

Howard Pinderhughes and the Hope Dealers

June 2015 • By Andrew Schwartz


Howard Pinderhughes’ latest book begins with the funeral of a young man he knew.

Elena Portacolone UCSF
April 07, 2015

In July 1995, as Chicago sweltered in temperatures that soared to over 100°F, more than 500 people died – largely the isolated elderly, many of whom who couldn’t afford air conditioning and were often too afraid to leave doors or windows open in their crime-plagued neighborhoods. The disaster highlighted one of the key challenges confronting an aging America: How do we ensure the well-being of an increasing number of people living alone in older age?

January 16, 2015

Congratulations to Adele Clarke on her selection as a recipient of the UCSF 150th Anniversary Alumni Excellence Award! These awards highlight the contributions of and engage UCSF’s most illustrious living degreed and non-degreed alumni.

Adele will have her distinguished accomplishments honored in the upcoming months including:

December 18, 2014

This award is given annually for Distinguished Contribution to Medical Sociology. This award recognizes scholarly contributions, especially a body of work displaying an extended trajectory of productivity that has contributed to theory and research in medical sociology. The Reeder Award also acknowledges teaching, mentoring, and training as well as service to the medical sociology community broadly defined.

Read more about Dr. Clarke and this award in the Medical Sociology Newsletter:
