Olesen Bibliography


Clarke, Adele, and Virginia Olesen, eds. 1999. Revisioning Women, Health and Healing: Feminist, Cultural and Technoscience Perspectives. New York: Routledge.

Ruzek, Sheryl, Virginia Olesen, and Adele Clarke, eds. 1997. Women’s Health: Complexities and Differences. Columbus: Ohio State University Press.

Olesen, Virginia, and Nancy Fugate Woods, eds. 1986. Cultural Aspects in Menstrual Cycle Research. Hemisphere Publications.

Lewin, Ellen, and Virginia Olesen, eds. 1985. Women, Health and Healing: Toward a New Perspective. Tavistock-Methuen.

Olesen, Virginia, and Elvi Whittaker. 1968. The Silent Dialogue. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.


Olesen, Virginia. 2005. "Early Millennial Feminist Qualitative Research: Challenges and Contours." In Norman Denzin and Yvonna Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of Qualitative Research, 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Olesen, Virginia. 2003. "Working it Through: Interpretive Sociology After 9/11." In Norman Denzin and Yvonna Lincoln (Eds.), 9/11 in American Culture. Walnut Creek, CA: Alta Mira Press.

Charmaz, Kathy, and Virginia Olesen. 2003. "Medical Institutions." In Larry T. Reynolds and Nancy J. Herman-Kinney (Eds.), Handbook of Symbolic Interactionism. Walnut Creek, CA: Alta Mira Press.

Clarke, Adele E., and Virginia L. Olesen. 2003. "Revision der Frauengesundheit" [Revising, Diffracting, Acting in Women's Health]. Pp. 37-99 in Frauengesundheit: Pflege- und gesundheitswissenschaftliche Perpspektiven [Women's Health: Perspectives from Nursing and Health Sciences], edited by Regina Lorenz-Krauss and Elisabeth Uhlander-Masiak. Bern: Verlag Hans Huber.

Olesen, Virginia. 2001. "Resisting 'Fatal Unclutteredness': Conceptualizing the Sociology of Health and Illness At And Into The Millennium." In Gillian Bendelow, Mick Carpenter, and Simon Williams (Eds.), Gender, Health and Healing: The Public Private Divide. London: Routledge.

Olesen, Virginia. 2000. "Feminisms and Qualitative Research at And into the Millennium." In Norman Denzin and Yvonna Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of Qualitative Research, 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Olesen, Virginia. 2000. "Emotions, Gender and Contemporary U.S. Health Care Contexts: Exploring the Macro-Micro Link." In Simon Williams, Jonathan Gabe, and Michael Calnan (Eds.), Theorizing Medical Sociology. London: Routledge.

Olesen, Virginia. 1998. "‘Do Whatever You Want’: Audiences Created, Creating, Recreated." Qualitative Inquiry 4: 511-515.

Olesen, Virginia, and Debora Bone. 1998. "Emotions in Rationalizing Organizations: Conceptual Notes From Professional Nursing in the USA." In Gillian Bendelow and Simon J. Williams (Eds.), Emotions in Social Life: Critical Themes and Contemporary Issues. London: Routledge.

Charmaz, Kathy, and Virginia Olesen. 1997. "Ethnographic Research in Medical Sociology: Its Foci and Distinctive Contributions." Sociological Methods and Research 25(4).

Olesen, Virginia. 1997. "Evocative Transformations: A Neglected Concept in the Study of Situated Emotions." Annual Review of Symbolic Interaction.

Olesen, Virginia. 1994. "Feminisms and Models of Qualitative Research." In Norman Denzin and Yvonna Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Olesen, Virginia. 1994. "Hospitality and the Self: Altering Conceptions of a Neglected Social Form." Symbolic Interaction.

Olesen, Virginia. 1993. "Unfinished Business: The Problematics of Women, Health and Healing." The Science of Caring 5: 27-32.

Stacey, Margaret, and Virginia Olesen. 1993. "Gender and Health in Westernized, Bureaucratized Societies." Introductory review essay for special issue of Social Science and Medicine, edited by us on gender and health, 19.

Davis, Anne, Lin Ju Ying, Lan Gan, and Virginia Olesen. 1993. "Young Pioneers: Preliminary Analysis of a Study of Baccalaureate Nursing Students in the People's Republic of China." Advances in Nursing Science.

Olesen, Virginia, Leonard Schatzman, Nellie Droes, Diane Hatton, and Nan Chico. 1993. "Analyzing Together: Notes on Team Collaboration." In Analyzing Qualitative Data, edited by Robert G. Burgess and Alan Bryman. London: Routledge.

Olesen, Virginia. 1992. "The Extraordinary Experience and the Mundane Complaint: Notes on Self and Body." In Windows on Lived Experience, Research on Subjectivity, edited by Carolyn Ellis and Michael Flaherty. Sage.

Olesen, Virginia. 1991. "Self-Assessment and Changes in One's Profession: Notes on the Phenomenology of Aging Among Mid-Life Women." Journal of Women and Aging.

Olesen, Virginia. 1990. "The Neglected Emotions: A Challenge to Medical Sociology." Medical Sociology News 15: 10-15.

Olesen, Virginia, Leonard Schatzman, Nellie Droes, Diane Hatton, and Nan Chico. 1990. "The Mundane Complaint and the Physical Self: An Area for Analysis in the Social Psychology of Health and Illness." Social Science and Medicine 30(4): 449-455.

Olesen, Virginia. 1989. "Caregiving, Ethical and Informal: Emergent Challenges in the Sociology of Health and Illness." Journal of Health and Social Behavior.

Olesen, Virginia. 1990. "Immersed, Amorphous and Episodic Field Work: Theory and Policy in Three Contrasting Contexts." In Robert Burgess (Ed.), Field Work Issues. JAI.

Olesen, Virginia, and Nancy Fugate Woods, eds. 1986. "Research Issues in Analyzing Emergent Issues in Women's Health: The Case of Toxic Shock." In Cultural Aspects in Menstrual Cycle Research, edited by Virginia Olesen and Nancy Fugate Woods. Hemisphere Publications.

Lewin, Ellen, and Virginia Olesen, eds. 1985. "Women, Health and Healing: A Theoretical Introduction." In Women, Health and Healing: Toward a New Perspective, edited by Ellen Lewin and Virginia Olesen. Tavistock-Methuen.

Lewin, Ellen, and Virginia Olesen. 1985. "Occupational Health and Women: The Case of Clerical Work." In Women, Health and Healing: Toward a New Perspective, edited by Ellen Lewin and Virginia Olesen. Tavistock-Methuen.

Olesen, Virginia. 1982. "Ethical Issues in Estrogen Replacement Therapy." In Changing Perspectives on Menopause, edited by Ann Voda et al. Austin: University of Texas Press, pp. 346-360.

Olesen, Virginia. 1982. "Some Observations on Nursing Education, Research and Practice in the United States." In Issues in Nursing Research, edited by Sally Redfern, Anthony J. Sisson, Jean F. Walker, and Paul A. Walsh. London: Macmillan, Ltd.

Lewin, Ellen, and Virginia Olesen. 1980. "Lateralness in Women's Work: New Views on Success." Sex Roles 6(4): 619-629.

Olesen, Virginia. 1979. "Federal Regulations, Institutional Review Boards and Qualitative Social Science Research: Comments on a Problematic Era." In Federal Regulations: Ethical Issues and Social Research, edited by Murray Wax and Joan Cassell. Denver, CO: Westview Press.

Olesen, Virginia. 1979. "Competence-Based Education: Impulse for Reform in American Professions." In On Competence, edited by Gerald Grant. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Olesen, Virginia. 1979. "Costs, Crisis and Continuity in a Competence Based Nursing Program: The Story of Mt. Hood Community College." In On Competence, edited by Gerald Grant. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Olesen, Virginia, and Cynthia Nelson. 1977. Senior Editor, Special Issue of Catalyst on Critical Examination of Assumptions in Feminist Thought.

Nelson, Cynthia, and Virginia Olesen. 1977. "Veil of Illusion: Some Critical Notes on the Assumption of Equality in Feminist Thought." Catalyst, August.

Olesen, Virginia, and Frances Katsuranis. 1977. "Urban Nomads: A Study of Temporary Clerical Employees." In Women and Work, edited by Shirley Harkness and Ann Yates. Belmont, CA: Mayfield.

Olesen, Virginia. 1977. "Notes on the Exercise of Power by Lower Status Workers in Health Fields." In Leadership and Authority in the Health Professions, edited by Sheryl Ruzek and Patricia Bourne. University of California.

Nelson, Cynthia, and Virginia Olesen. 1977. "Notes on a First Course in Medical Social Science in the Arab Middle East." Medical Anthropology Newsletter.

Olesen, Virginia. 1977. Editorial Introduction to Women and Their Health, "Rage Is Not Enough."

Olesen, Virginia. 1975. "Confluence in Social Change: Cuban Women and Health Care." Journal of Inter-American Affairs 17(4).

Olesen, Virginia. 1974. "Convergences and Divergences: Anthropology and Sociology in Health Care." Medical Anthropology Newsletter 6(1).

Olesen, Virginia. 1973. "Militance in a Woman's Profession: Psychological Characteristics of Partisans and Critics of a Nurses' 'Strike'." Psychological Reports.

Olesen, Virginia, and David Hayes-Bautista. 1973. "A Myth Destroyed: Chicanos Care About Health." The New Physician.

Olesen, Virginia. 1973. "What Happens After Graduation: Notes on Post Institutional Socialization in the Health Professions." Social Science and Medicine.

Olesen, Virginia. 1971. "Context and Posture: Notes on Socio-Cultural Aspects of Women's Roles and Family Policy in Contemporary Cuba." Journal of Marriage and the Family.

Davis, Anne, and Virginia Olesen. 1971. "Communal Work and Living: Notes on the Dynamics of Social Distance and Social Space." Sociology and Social Research.

Olesen, Virginia, and Anne Davis. 1971. "Preliminary Notes on Factors in the Recruitment of Foreign Students." Nursing Research.

Olesen, Virginia, and Elvi Whittaker. 1970. "Critical Notes on Concepts Used in Sociological Studies of Professional Socialization." In Sociological Studies, edited by J. A. Jackson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Olesen, Virginia. 1970. "New Leads on an Old Revolution: Notes on Cuban Women." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

Olesen, Virginia, and Elvi Whittaker. 1968. "Role-Making in Participant Observation." Human Organization.

Olesen, Virginia, and Elvi Whittaker. 1968. "Gung Ho: Notes on the Emergence of Slang Among College Students." American Speech.

Whittaker, Elvi, and Virginia Olesen. 1964. "Faces of Florence Nightingale." Human Organization.

Olesen, Virginia, and Elvi Whittaker. 1966. "Adjudication of Student Awareness in Professional Socialization: The Language of Laughter and Silence." The Sociological Quarterly.

Olesen, Virginia, and Elvi Whittaker. 1966. "Instant Life: College Women Report on Post-Graduate Immersion in the Adult World." Journal of the National Association of Women Deans and Counselors.

Davis, Fred, Virginia Olesen, and Elvi Whittaker. 1966. "Baccalaureate Students' Images of Nursing, A Follow-Up Report." Nursing Research.

Davis, Fred, and Virginia Olesen. 1965. "The Career Outlook of Professionally Educated Women." Psychiatry.

Davis, Fred, and Virginia Olesen. 1964. "Baccalaureate Students' Images of Nursing, A Study of Change, Consensus and Consonance in the First Year." Nursing Research.

Davis, Fred, and Virginia Olesen. 1963. "Initiation into a Woman's Profession." Sociometry.

Major Invited Papers

"Remembering Lucile Newman." Invited paper, Festschrift honoring Dr. Lucile Newman, American Anthropological Association, 2003.

"Do Whatever You Want": Audience(s) Created, Creating, Recreated." Invited paper for Cultural Studies Session, Midwestern Sociological Association, 2000.

Sociologists for Women in Society: "Women's Health Revisited." 2000.

Pacific Sociological Association Plenary: "Women's Health at the Millennium." 2000.

Plenary. University of Warwick Conference in Honor of Margaret Stacey: "Resisting Fatal Unclutteredness: Conceptualizing the Sociology of Health and Illness at and Into the Millenium." 1999.

American Sociological Association – "Medical Sociology at the Millennium." 1998.

Plenary Address, Nordic Research Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden: "Gender and Equality in the New Century." 1997.

Invited Plenary Speaker, Canadian Qualitative Research Conference, Carleton University. "Re-Writing Ourselves, Re-Thinking Ethnography." 1992.

Invited Plenary Speaker, "Hospital, Hospitality and the Self, 11th Annual Gregory Stone Symbolic Interaction Symposium. 1992.

"The Neglected Emotions: A Challenge to Medical Sociology." Plenary address to the British Sociological Association Medical Sociology Group's annual meeting. 1990.

"Strategies for Tenure and Promotion," at Pacific Sociological Association Committee on the Status of Women in Sociology Workshop, PSA, Las Vegas, April. 1988.

"Emergent Issues in Care: New Challenges to Medical sociology and the Sociology of Health and Illness," Leo G. Reeder Address to the Medical Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association. 1988.

"Women, Health and Healing: Linking the Humanities, Social Sciences, Physical Sciences and Health Professions," University of California, San Diego, Muir College Program on Women's Studies in Higher Education Today, October. 1987.

"Re-Thinking Field Work: Emergent Issues in a Vexatious Era," University of Warwick National ERSC Conference on Field Work, England, June. 1987.

"Methodological Issues in Mid-Life, Mid-Career Studies," Department of Sociology, University of Warwick, May. 1987.

"Some Sociological Observations on Nursing Education, Research and Practice in the United States." Plenary address to the Royal College of Nursing Research Conference, University of Kent, Canterbury. 1981.

"New Developments in the Study of Self-Care." Institute for Social Studies in Medical Care, Hempstead Heath, London. 1981.

"Methodological Issues in Study of Self-Care," Medical Sociology Unit, Bedford College, University of London. 1981.

"Policy Implications in the Study of Self-Care," University of Warwick Medical Sociology Workshop, Coventry. 1981.

"Ethical Issues in Estrogen Replacement," Stanford University Center for Research on Women. 1980.

"Gender and Medical Sociology: A Critical Review of U. S. Medical Sociology." Plenary address to the British Sociological Association Medical Sociology Group's annual meeting. 1980.

"Women and Health Policy," University of California Women's Center Conference on Women and Public Policy. 1978.

"Sex Equality in Science: Restructuring the World of Male Careers," University of Oregon Conference on Women in Science. 1976.

"A Critique of Western Medical Sociology and Anthropology in Light of Health Needs and Demands in the Arab Middle East," Department of Sociology, Kuwait University, Kuwait, Arabia. 1976.

"Women's Movements as a Source of Criticism of Health Care Systems," Open University Seminar Series, American University Cairo. 1976.

"Emerging Models in Para-Professional Health Care Occupations: Research Leads," American Association for the Advancement of Science. 1975.

"Options and Limitations on Moving Women into Non-Traditional Jobs," National Civil Service League, San Francisco. 1974.

"Women's Rights in a New Era," American Association of Operating Room Nurses. 1974.

"Implications of the Impact of the Equal Rights Amendment on Nursing," ANA Public Health Section, San Diego. 1973.

"Our Own Worst Enemies: Data on Women's Working Relationships with Other Women," District Nine, California Nurses' Association. 1973.

Papers Presented

Dissolving the Boundary Between Theoretical and Applied Qualitative Work. Midwest Sociological Society, 1993.

"The Phenomenology of Medical Mistakes." Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences, Boston, October, 1992.

"Comments on New Approaches in Qualitative Methodology." Midwest Sociological Association, Kansas City, March, 1992.

Panel participant in Feminist Life Histories. Pacific Sociological Association, Oakland, April, 1992.

"Emotions in Changing Institutional Contexts: Leads from the British and U.S. Health Care Systems." Qualitative Analysis Conference, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, May, 1991.

"Unanticipated Construction of Useful Knowledge in Field Work Situations." Society for Applied Anthropology, Charleston, SC, 1991.

"The Problematic Body: Comparison of Situated Contexts." Pacific Sociological Association, Spokane, April, 1990.

"Feminist Contributions to the Study of the Subjective in (Invited) Sociology." Gregory Stone-SSSI Symposium, Tampa, January, 1990.

"The New Ethnography: Whose Text Is It?" Conference on Text and Voice, University of Maryland, November, 1989.

"Implications of the New Textual Analysis in Ethnography for Sociological Field Work Accounts." Pacific Sociological Association, 1989.

"Notes on Socialization Issues in First Baccalaureate Nursing Students in the People's Republic of China (with Dr. Anne Davis)." Society for Applied Anthropology, Santa Fe, April, 1989.

"Notes on Mid-Life, Mid-Career Professional Women." Pacific Sociological Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, April, 1988.

"Plausibility, Credibility and Adequacy in Contemporary Ethnography." Mid-West Sociological Association Meetings, 1988.

"Dynamics of Change in One's Profession and Self-Assessment: A Research Note on Anticipated Aging among Mid-Life Women." Pacific Sociological Association, 1988.

Self-Care of Mundane Ailments: Research Implications for Teaching Health Science Students (with Diane Hatton, Nellie Droes, Leonard Schatzman). Association for Behavioral Sciences in Medicine, 1987.

Sociological Aspects of Disseminating Innovative Health Knowledge. Pacific Sociological Association, Denver (with Patricia Anderson, graduate student in sociology), 1986.

Evaluation Analysis of a Women, Health and Healing Summer Institute. National Women's Studies Association, June (with Patricia Anderson), 1986.

Factors in Shaping and Framing New Knowledge about Women's Health. American Sociological Association, August (with Patricia Anderson), 1986.

Panel Presentation on "Is There a California School of Symbolic Interaction?" Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, New York, 1986.

Gender as Relevant Variable in Sociological Studies of War and Peace. American Sociological Association, Washington, D. C., August, 1985.

"Ordinary People, Ordinary Ailments: Conceptual Increments from a Study of Ethno-Care," (with Leonard Schatzman, Nellie Droes, Diane Hatton, Nan Chico and Kit Chesla. Ninth Social Science and Medicine Conference, Finland), 1985.

"The Health of Female Clerical Workers, A Problem in Technological Change" (with Ellen Lewin), Society for Applied Anthropology, San Diego, 1983.

"The Health Self: An Unexplored Aspect of Symbolic Interaction" (with Leonard Schatzman), British Sociological Association, San Diego, 1982.

"Trust in the Body: Emergent Issues in Self-Care" (with Leonard Schatzman), British Sociological Association, Manchester, 1982.

"Analyzing Emergent Issues in Women's Health: The Case of the Toxic Shock Syndrome," Society for Applied Anthropology, Edinburgh, 1981.

"Ethical Issues in Estrogen Replacement Therapy," Fourth Annual (Invited) Menstrual Cycle Research Conference, Tucson. (See publications.), 1979.

"Federal Regulations, Institutional Review Boards and (Invited) Qualitative Research," American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, D.C. (See publications.), 1978.

"New Notes on Post-Graduate Socialization in Health (Invited) Professionals: Continuity and Commitment Among Married Post- Baccalaureate Nurses in the U.S. International Sociological Association, Uppsala, Sweden, 1978.

"Notes on the Exercise of Power by Lower-Status Female Workers (Invited) in Health Fields." National Conference on Women, Leadership and Authority, U. C. Santa Cruz, 1977.

"Preliminary Examination of Assumptions Concerning Women's Roles in Health and Healing Systems." Southwest Anthropology Association, San Diego, 1977.

"Laterality in Women's Careers in Health Fields: Toward (Invited) Conceptual Clarification" (with Ellen Lewin, senior author). Pacific Sociological Association, Sacramento, 1977.

"The Faceless Temporary Employee" (with Frances Katsuranis, (Invited) Southwest Anthropology Meetings, San Francisco), 1976.

"Implications of the Concept of Competence for Mental Health (Invited) Professionals." Society for the Study of Social Problems, San Francisco, 1975.

"An Ethnography of Alienation" (with Frances Katsuranis, (Invited) Pacific Sociological Association, Vancouver, Canada), 1975.

"Emerging Models in Para-Professional Health Care Occupations." (Invited) American Association for the Advancement of Science, New York, 1975.

"Women's Roles and Social Control: Moral Dimensions of healing Systems" (with Cynthia Nelson). Fourth International Conference on Social Science and Medicine, 1974.