(note: this post will be updated through Summer quarter 2023)
Opinion: Grocery Stores Used to be My Happy Place. Then They Started Locking Up the Detergent — Stacy Torres, PhD, Aug. 9, 2023
Opinion: I’ve Lived Into my 40s Without Ever Owning a Smartphone. Hopefully I’ll Never Have To — Stacy Torres, PhD, May 27, 2023
Researching Through Loss — Stacy Torres, PhD, Brittney Pond, BA, May 1, 2023
Community Engagement in Precision Medicine Research: Organizational Practices and Their Impacts for Equity — Janet Shim, PhD, Nicole Foti, BS (student), Melanie Jeske, PhD (alumna), May 1, 2023
Stacy Torres, PhD, was quoted in SFGate's April 27 article "Replika Wanted to End Loneliness With a Lurid AI Bot. Then Its Users Revolted."
Adele Clarke, PhD, will deliver the Keynote Address to the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI), May 16, 2024. Theme of conference: "Qualitative Inquiry in the Present Tense: Writing the New History".
Kristen Harknett, PhD, was among the experts quoted in The Atlantic's March 27 article "The Catch 22 for Working Parents."
Why Doctors Don’t Want Patients Like Me, and How it Impacts All of Us — Stacy Torres, PhD, Jan. 16, 2023
Kristen Harknett, PhD, and her work as co-director of The Shift Project were prominently featured in Fast Company’s Jan. 22 article “Why Schedule Sanity is Workers’ New Fight for $15.”
Stacy Torres, PhD, and her research on the power of gossip was cited in Success’ Jan. 25 article “A Deep Dive Into the Positive and Negative Impacts of Gossip.”
- The Gender Wage Gap, Between-Firm Inequality, and Devaluation: Testing a New Hypothesis in the Service Sector — Kristen Harknett, PhD, Jan. 3, 2023
- Stacy Torres, PhD, was featured in UCSF Magazine’s winter 2023 edition in the article “This Must Be the Place: Learning to Make a Home in the World at Every Age.”
- Adele Clarke, PhD, professor emerita in Social and Behavioral Sciences: "Situational Analysis in Practice: Mapping Research With Grounded Theory," second edition; "Fare Parentele, Non Popolazioni" (Italian translation of "Making Kin, Not Population: Reconceiving Generations"); and "Dalla Grounded Theory alla Situational Analysis: Metodi implicitamente feministi" (partial Italian translation of "Situational Analysis in Practice: Mapping Research with Grounded Theory.")
- Research by Kristen Harknett, PhD, on work schedules among service industry workers was cited in The Washington Post’s Dec. 8 article “Dynamic Scheduling Fails Companies and Workers.”
- Kristen Harknett, PhD, professor in Social and Behavioral Sciences, recently presented her research on gender disparities in paid sick leave coverage, which was published in Health Affairs in November, to two groups of policymakers and stakeholders: the Paid Leave for All Policy and Research working group and the National Work and Family Coalition.
- Older Workers With Unpredictable Schedules: Implications for Well-Being and Job Retention — Kristen Harknett, PhD, Nov. 30, 2022
- Commentary: Why University of California Workers Striking for Better Pay Deserve It — Stacy Torres, PhD, Dec. 2, 2022
- Mandates Narrow Gender Gaps in Paid Sick Leave Coverage for Low-Wage Workers in the U.S. — Kristen Harknett, PhD, November 2022
- Kristen Harknett, PhD, and her research were cited in Route Fifty’s Oct. 20 article “What Workers Want From Their Jobs Other Than Good Pay.”
- Janet Shim, PhD, professor in Social and Behavioral Sciences, received a $17,983 supplement from Columbia University for her project "The Ethics of Inclusion: Diversity in Precision Medicine."
- Essay: The Right to Grief Without Diagnosis: Prolonged Grief in These Times is Normal — Stacy Torres, PhD, Sept. 19, 2022
- Kristen Harknett, PhD, professor in Social and Behavioral Sciences, was a panelist at a WorkRise/Urban Institute’s conference "Charting a Resilient Future for U.S. Workers: Solutions to Navigate an Uncertain Economy," on Oct. 19. There were 275 attendees at her panel, comprised of business leaders and other stakeholders.
- The Politics of Prevention: Polarization in How Workplace COVID-19 Safety Practices Shaped the Well-Being of Frontline Service Sector Workers — Kristen Harknett, PhD, Sept. 23, 2022
- Kristen Harknett, PhD, and her research on work schedules was featured in Harvard Business Review’s September-October article “The Surprising Benefits of Work/Life Support.” In addition, Harknett and her team’s research on fast food workers was cited in a number of editorials and articles, including in The Los Angeles Times’ Sept. 1 editorial “Give Fast Food Workers Some Say on the Job,” The Washington Post’s Sept. 13 opinion piece “California Makes a Ham-Handed Attempt to Regulate the Fast Food Industry,” and Vox’s Sept. 6 article “California Aims to Transform How Fast Food Workers Are Treated.”
- The Right to Grief Without Diagnosis: Prolonged Grief in These Times is Normal — Stacy Torres, PhD, Sept. 19, 2022
- Stacy Torres, PhD, was among the experts quoted in Refinery29’s Sept. 21 article “I’m Disabled and Sometimes Worry That My Friends Fear Becoming Me.”
- Stacy Torres, PhD, and her research on gossip and how it can strengthen ties was highlighted in Vogue Portugal’s story “You Didn’t Hear It From Me, But …” In addition, Torres was a guest speaker in KQED's Sept. 9 segment for Suicide Prevention Week (at the 7.23 mark).
A Call to Action to Public Health Institutions and Teaching to Incorporate Mass Incarceration as a Sociostructural Determinant of Health — Erin McCauley, PhD, MEd, MA, Sept. 5, 2022
How Do Academic and Career Services Affect Employment, Education and Disability Benefit Receipt in the Transition to Adulthood for Youth With Disabilities Who Have Aged Out of Foster Care? — Erin McCauley, PhD, MEd, MA, Sept. 2, 2022