Wolfe & Harknett Issue Health Policy Brief

Sociology doctoral candidate Rebecca Wolfe, with Sociology professor Kristen Harknett,  have released a Health Policy Brief, "Inequalities at Work and the Toll of COVID-19", Health Affairs Health Policy Brief, June 4, 2021.  The Health Policy Brief was produced with the generous support of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.  All briefs go through peer review before publication.

The Brief concludes that with the introduction of vaccines and the hope for herd immunity on the horizon, the threat of COVID-19 may subside in the latter half of 2021. Nevertheless, inequality in workplace exposure to health risks and economic insecurity will endure. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed stark inequalities in exposure to workplace risk and access to protective policies. The shock has created a new urgency and imperative to make risk-reduction and protective policies universally and equitably available to workers across the occupational, demographic, and socioeconomic spectrum.