Current 3rd year Sociology student Rebecca Wolfe has been featured on the AnthroDish podcast, Episode 90: HOW HAS PURITY CULTURE SHAPED EATING DISORDER EXPERIENCES? WITH REBECCA WOLFE. Rebecca makes note that her research is in preliminary stages and this research is not yet peer reviewed.
From the AnthroDish site:
If you grew up in the early 2000s, you might remember the American push for True Love Waits, abstinence only-sex education, and purity rings being sported by celebrities like Jessica Simpson or the Jonas Brothers. Known as Purity Culture, this Protestant evangelical movement emphasizes sexual purity through abstinence… but beyond sex, how has the culture shaped how women understand their bodies, experiences with food, or informed the broader American diet culture?
My guest this week is Rebecca Wolfe, who is currently a doctoral candidate in the department of Social and Behavioural Sciences at UCSF. She is interested in the intersection of race, class, gender, religion, embodiment and eating disorders. Her current work is focused on the impact of the Protestant, Evangelical movement known as “Purity Culture” on the development and manifestation of eating disorders in people assigned female at birth and raised within the movement.