Congratulations are in order for the 2020 Sociology Dissertation Award Winners!
Distinguished Dissertation Award in Sociology recognizes a doctoral student whose dissertation best exemplifies scholarliness and innovation and best contributes to the discipline of sociology. Jarmin Yeh has won this award with her dissertation entitled, "A critical analysis of age-friendly community initiatives"
Rosalie Winslow won the Anselm Strauss Special Award for Distinguished Qualitative Dissertation which recognizes a doctoral student whose dissertation best exemplifies scholarliness in qualitative research. Dr. Winslow's dissertation is, "(Re)defining Healthcare Quality: Metrics, Protocols, and the Restructuring of Care Delivery"
Rosalie and Jarmin were honored during the 2020 SON Commencement presentation which can be seen here.
The list of previous winners is linked on our alumni page, or can be found by clicking here.