
The Influence of Hospital Culture and Policies on Do-Not-Resuscitate Decision-Making at the End of Life

The Influence of Hospital Culture and Policies on Do-Not-Resuscitate Decision-Making at the End of Life

June 2, 2016

Laurel Heights- room 340
Body Size, Gender & Health: A Multi-Method Sociological Exploration


Body Size, Gender & Health: A Multi-Method Sociological Exploration

Thursday, May 26th

Laurel Heights - Room 340
Punishing Disease: HIV and the Criminalization of Sickness - Trevor Hoppe

Punishing Disease: HIV and the Criminalization of Sickness

Dr. Trevor Hoppe

LHTS 340 - Gay Becker Room
The Proliferation of Sexual Health: Beyond Medicalization? Steven Epstein


Professor of Sociology & John C. Shaffer Professor in the Humanities

745 Parnassus Ave.- Faculty Alumni House
Separate and Unequal: Race, the Mortgage Market, and Health

Separate and Unequal: Race, the Mortgage Market, and Health

Abigail Sewell, PhD
