
Guest Lecture: Behavioral Factors and Health Expectancies in Later Life

UCSF’s Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences Presents:

Behavioral Factors and Health Expectancies in Later Life

LHTS 340 - Gay Becker Room
Guest Lecture: Patients’ Trust in Physician Confidentiality

UCSF’s Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences Presents:

Patients’ Trust in Physician Confidentiality

LHTS 340 - Gay Becker Room
The Sociological Determinants of Racial Health Disparities

The Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences Presents:

The Sociological Determinants of Racial Health Disparities

Laurel Heights - Room 474
Visual Sociology in Action: A screening of "The Longest Journey Begins" w/ Doug Harper

Seeing Health: Visual Methods of Analysis Two Events Exploring Visual Sociology

Laurel Heights Room 474
Doug Harper, PhD Invited Talk: "A Modest Call for Seeing Sociologically".

Seeing Health: Visual Methods of Analysis Two Events Exploring Visual Sociology

Parnassus Campus CL 215/216
